Monthly Archives: February 2008

Kale, carrots, dill

February 22, 2008

Kale, carrots, dill

Kale, carrots, dill
Look how far we’ve come since January! These were all sown when the moon was waxing gibbous in the sign of Cancer. I’m not being very scientific in my moon phase sowing experiments, and I have no idea if it had much bearing, but I do know that I’ve been sowing seeds only during a waxing moon for as long as I can remember, so I don’t have much to compare it to.

Attempting to sow by moon phase means I found myself on a prime planting day (astrologically speaking) without any of my seed starting supplies. So I improvised with pie pans, warming trays, coffee cup sleeves and toilet rolls. For anyone trying out the coffee cup sleeves, I am having a hard time with them collecting damping-off fungus – it hasn’t mattered to the seedlings yet, the cinnamon is keeping the soil alright, but the sleeves themselves get fuzzy without treatment. Vermiculite and seed starting mix from the local hardware store (plus a touch of compost from the garden). Everything kept moist with rainwater so far, a rather stunning feat in the arid California climate, but really I’ve only need about a gallon of water yet – we’ll see how long I can keep it up when the weather is actually warming up.