March 1, 2005

I think this has been a good week. My head is spinning, but I think things are good.
Had a bad week at The Office, with some anxiety and not wanting to start projects for fear of never finishing them (scientists like to call that effect “shock treatment” when performed on rats. Middle managers call it “meetings”) but snapped out of it this weekend and took tons of pictures, worked on and in preparation for a large marketing drive. has been going really well. I can’t complain in the least. I have several really fantastic hosting clients that I know personally and I feel really and truly useful when I help them with their tech issues. The next step is getting a few more clients or at least keeping my sign-ups as steady as they have been. I am running out of people I know, however.

I won’t forget my first surprise sign-up though. Thanks, . 🙂

I have another portfolio to put together for applying for financial aid, but I have most of that done. I’d like to make it more painting-heavy, but I haven’t had time to do anything serious painting-wise, and I have some really beautiful cyanotypes that are perfect. So.

One of my clients sent me two chapbooks and a Mutts postcard in the mail today, and it just reaffirmed this feeling that I am doing something right. I am on the right path, and every day the Universe chooses a novel and marvellous way of reminding me.