bad moods lifted

November 6, 2003

Is there anything a good cuppa tea can’t cure?

Well, the Outkast helps a little bit too. Seriously though – all my tea-snobbery from being the wannabe tea-sommelier for the new cafe doesn’t change the fact that Twinings’ Lady Grey tea makes my all time favourite cup. It is so lovely and light and soothing, and the parts that are supposed to taste citrusy taste softly floral to me.

Saw Matrix Revolutions yesterday. Eh. The first two movies always sent me into a tailspin of wanting to learn kung-fu and program the world’s spiffiest…thing. My imagination can be vague on details. This last movie though, left me rather nonplussed at the end of it. I think I’m using that word correctly – I like it so much I tend to use it for everything, including as an adjective for bland food.

Am I the only person not participating in Nanowrimo? Let me know.