
November 8, 2005

Here’s a little glimpse into how I spend some of my time – Maria-Elena and I went into the music room late on Sunday night and fooled around with her laptop recording studio. This is the Conconne, Brianna Privett on vocals, Maria-Elena Kolovos on piano. Right after this, we played Killing Me Softly then had some wine. No, I’m serious.

Here’s the excerpt (45 seconds, .mp3):
Brianna Sings Part of a Conconne – 891Kb

And here’s the full version, which is just the excerpt repeated, only in this one you get 4minutes of me running out of breath and then laughing at the end:
Brianna Sings a Conconne – 4.13mb

  • CATEGORY: Greece

2 thoughts on “Conconne”

  1. i listened to the clip and started violently when it stopped. i have thusly put on the full version.

    i have two comments: 1) i believe i understand what you mean when you say “resonance” and 2) i have heard you sing and sung with you many, many, many a time and as such should be beyond being impressed. however, i am not.

    lovely. perfect for the grey day that is mine today.

  2. O!!!!! o, brianna. you are crazy gifted. your voice sent chills up and down my spine and i just have to tell you, as i was listening to the long version, Finny J. came up and put her head in my lap, closed her eyes and just listened, spellbound. It was a moment tender enough to bring tears to my eyes. thank you, you fabulous (and I’m convinced, secretely wing-ED) creature.

    love,love,love, love.

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