Last few days in Tuscany

September 20, 2005

1_Brava! The pink sunset with gondoliers

I know it has been awhile – we spent three glorious pink-tinged days in Venice, then to Firenze again, then Siena, and Lucca yesterday – and one more trip to Firenze this week before leaving for Rome on Friday. This time next week I will be in Athens and that much closer to my Greek apartment, where I will transcribe all the entries I have written for you, upload all the photos I have taken (approx. 5 GB worth so far, and this is just the first third of the program) and tell you all about how we spent an evening in the Piazza San Marco in Venice at Cafe Florian drinking bicerin and kirs and taking pictures of the violinists. Or how I went to the Opera, or how Siena is my second favourite town in Tuscany (second only to Pistoia). I’ve also written an entry about my daily walks into town, what I see, how many pomegranate trees I’ve counted and how many churches with bits of saints in them I have visited.

3_Venetian buildings

So I am still here, getting deeper into it every day. I auditioned for the vocal ensemble last Thursday and was accepted, so I will be performing with five other women at the end of the term concert and exhibition.

I can describe the sights and tastes and sounds of Italy for you, but I can’t quite tell you how good it is to be singing again.

6_Another canal shot

3 thoughts on “Last few days in Tuscany”

  1. and you sing too?!!! I could not possibly be more envious of you!!! Can’t wait for the complete picture.

    P.S. I have to tell you I’ve gone to my local Blockbuster THREE times specifically to rent a DVD of “Under a Tuscan Sun” (for the scenery much more than for the movie itself which I understand is not so great) because of you and all rampant Tuscan daydreams you have inspired in me. And it’s been out all three times!! methinks you must be fostering Tuscan daydreams all over the globe! If it’s still not in next time, I’ll look for Enchanted April which I’ve seen a gajillion times. but which one can really not see too much!

  2. oh darling brianna. i know how much you are revelling in things you’ve been dreaming of for years. it’s funny how you can capture your pure joy in so few words. or maybe it’s because i know what those words have meant to you for so very long?

    your greek apartment. sheesh. lol.

    safe travels! i am thinking of you … and don’t worry about updating us TOO much.


  3. Oh powers-that-be, that someone will record this performance! What a good excuse to expand bandwidth and let everyone see. No one should be surprised to find out that you sing. You see, wee, above, she’s deprived. Don’t make her fill all her time with bad movies merely set in Italy.

    Knock. That. Little. Island. Over.

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