Garden update

April 17, 2010

It helps to make lists of the stuff we have growing, mostly so I remember to walk around our little property and water everything, but also so I remember to harvest and use it.

Black monukka grape (this thing is blowing my mind, it’s been growing in a 2-gal pot in shade for 3 years now. Josh and I are planning on transplanting it, but it’s a two-man job since the roots have grown out of the pot and firmly established themselves in the ground beneath. The upshot is, order your bareroot plants from Peaceful Valley, everything they’ve ever sent me has been tough and wonderful)

8 Quinalt strawberry plants, plus about 30 wild strawberries
1 “delicious raspberry” or thimbleberry

Greek oregano
Lavendar (oh alright I’ll spell it correctly for once, here: Lavender)

Salad greens


Blueberries – this is what I was looking for today, and while I found two bushes at our local nursery, I didn’t want to pay $45 total for both. They’re still on my wishlist, I think blueberries would do really well on our sloped, rocky, shady property.

More raspberries – I didn’t realize what I’d purchased was a thimbleberry until I’d brought it home. I’m happy to have it, because it supposedly does well on dry slopes at higher elevations, but I’d like some more traditional caneberries and other fruits.

Other perennial vegetables like asparagus and artichoke.

Tomorrow I’ll pick up a bag of soil and start our annual vegetables –
bell peppers

These will all largely be in containers, as I’ve tried them all planted in my back garden and they did beautifully right up until they were eaten by pests. At least in containers, I have a bit of an edge in keeping the bugs down and the chipmunks deterred with old bird cages.

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