Pearl Necklace

May 10, 2007

Pearl Necklace

Originally uploaded by briannaorg.

I dug into my archives to find this photo – the necklace was a gift from my friend Jenn, and one of my favourite painting subjects ever. You can buy Jenn’s tribal jewelry, online now, and I totally have my eye on a couple new pieces – for painting AND wearing.

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One thought on “Pearl Necklace”

  1. Awwww. Shameless plug for Jenn… 😉 I’m actually really excited to show you the three new pieces I finished putting together today. Haven’t finished clasping and photographing yet, but SOON. I also got my two new pieces from Morocco today, replete with shiny new enamel earrings! Woot! Love you and the racing pics are fab. Great to see pictures of all those people I keep hearing described.

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