saturday night

October 15, 2001

B. threw us a little party last night to give us a chance to get a few of our friends together before we leave. It was a nice evening. J.’s friend S. from high school was out here for the weekend, and I got to see a few people I hadn’t seen for awhile.

I made a little effort on the layout of this site, about thirty minutes worth of effort, actually. It feels nice to put something up on the web at the moment. Things are about to chaotic. I received the last check I was waiting for, so now we can leave as soon as we’re packed. Probably four days from now.

J. seems to be starting to really feel the weight of our decision to move. I, on the other hand, am so numb that I’m still mainly just urgent to get the hell out of dodge.

We took S. out to the beach on Saturday, which was a good excuse for one last hurrah at the ocean for J. and I. We went to Crystal Cove, poked around the tide pools, took some SX70 shots (J. figured out how to fix my new camera, so I finally managed to take it on a test run. I LOVE being able to focus the lens – makes everything so much better!)

The sky really put on a show for us, with this weird, hazy fog that sat heavily on the water, rolling in and out with the waves. It was lovely. We fed the anemones and poked at crabs and such with seaweed. I love that place.