so many planes.

November 25, 2004

I have today off. I have tomorrow off. I have Saturday and Sunday off.

I am beside myself. I slept twelve hours last night.

Illustration Friday could have been done last week easily if I hadn’t had that business trip sprung on me – am terribly glad I got to see Jenn and family again, that part was wonderful, but the tension leading up to the meeting on Friday and afterward was awful. Luckily I spent Friday night in the company of friends eating AMAZING sushi at the Frying Fish and just generally having a good time. The rest of the weekend was just as relaxing, and by Monday I felt normal again. Snow days do that. I also performed some shopping therapy on myself, gorging myself on books at ‘s bookstore, and buying some fabulous organic stuff at Clark’s in San Bernardino (Redlands? Riverside? Whatever.)

Tuesday and Wednesday were awful at work, culminating in one of our recent hires quitting and me seriously considering doing data entry or secretarial work part time so I can focus on until it gets off the ground. The twelve hours of sleep I had last night helped some though.

Leonard Cohen on the stereo, brie and crackers in the kitchen. Happy Thanksgiving!