The golden bean awards

January 4, 2004

I will post this to later, but eKC has given us (Espresso dell’Anatra) ballots for voting in the Golden Bean awards. Why? Because PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY BEEN VOTING FOR US!!


This is encouraging. We need the encouragement, because business is so slow that we will likely have to shut our doors in March if we can’t find a way to bring traffic in the door. The customers we DO have are extremely enthusiastic about us, our location, and our product, and I have to say I agree with them. If I were picking a cafe to hang out at in Kansas City, it would be Espresso dell’Anatra. If I were only allowed to purchase coffee beans from one place EVER, it would be our store. Our coffee is simply THAT fabulous.

So if you’ve been to our café, liked our coffee, or just want to make sure I don’t end up in the poorhouse with the other caffeinated idealists I work with, please vote for Espresso dell’Anatra here at the eKc website. We do certainly appreciate it.