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March 29, 2004

I have eaten almost the entire pineapple myself in the last three days. It is the best thing I have ever tasted. After having some for lunch, this nasty old fake-sugared Diet Coke tastes ESPECIALLY fake and medicinal. But I have no water bottle today, and I do not do drinking fountains. So, Diet Coke Read more >>

above all things, you must be glad and young

March 28, 2004

I have an evening to myself tonight. I am making Jamie Oliver’s Lumpy Lemon chicken (so called because it is stuffed between the breast and skin with pounded butter, fresh thyme, zest of one lemon and two slices of diced bacon, thereby giving it a rather lumpy appearance) and about forty pounds of garlicky, basily Read more >>


March 24, 2004

So, I went to see Eternal Sunshine, etc. Just got back in fact. It was a movie that had me right up until the last five or so minutes. Really, it had the potential to be devastating and emotional and really, truly magnificent, and it ended “okay”. But Kate Winslet was perfect, and for once, Read more >>


March 23, 2004

A good day. Met with NFC tonight, and look what I got… A girl and her pineapple. He brought it all the way from MAUI! I told him stories about my little brother and I nicking bits of sugar cane and pineapples when we were kids. Highly illegal and dangerous stuff. And, a hair cut Read more >>

just another girl.

March 18, 2004

Something funny I read yesterday – a banner advertising “Ocean Views!” for an apartment complex off the highway. This was in Kansas. The old ones are the best. I celebrated the wearing o’ the green yesterday by wearing all black (with red boots – today it is just all black all over. Even the underwear. Read more >>

hello, hello!

March 14, 2004

My first show starts in a few hours in Long Beach at OPEN books on Linden Ave. I am thrilled to pieces. The new job is going alright. I am working many hours there, and then I come home and work many hours here. I fear this journal will be static and boring until that Read more >>

real artists ship.

March 5, 2004

I mailed off several of my Polaroids yesterday to Open in Long Beach. I have never parted with so many at once. I think I have sold or made presents of perhaps five since I started making them a few years ago. It felt exciting. I feel very warmly toward some of my SX70s, and Read more >>

John Forbes Kerry

March 2, 2004

I think anyone who is at all paying attention to the presidential race should read this. Maybe we should send Kerry a copy and then ask him why he endorsed the war in Iraq. Still, it is very compelling. Words of a Winter Soldier Sent to me by Kenneth Tindall.

a weekend well spent.

March 1, 2004

We went fishing on Saturday, and I took a few pictures. The wind was fairly bitter, but the air was full of birds and we were giddy being outside. The boys fished off the dam while I took refuge on the leeward side out of the wind and contemplated the sky with a bottle of Read more >>


February 28, 2004

I just realized that I have not listened to any music this week, except for a chance hearing of “Rocket Man” on the way home yesterday. It seems related to why I’ve felt like I’ve been walking around lost inside my own brain, visibility low.