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September 28, 2003

I had some odd dreams last night. First dream was sort of fantasy weird, with scary evil overtones – there was a tree in a walled garden that people would sneak in to touch, and it was making them sick. If they were near it too long or touched it too long, it killed them. Read more >>


September 28, 2003

I’ve been enjoying Beethoven, coffee, web surfing, and thinking about painting today. A few moments of profundity, a few of curiousity, a generally good day.


September 27, 2003

Ah, delectable repast of saccharine wonderment – thy name is cake! CAKE! CAKE! Ahem. I have a lot of things to do, but this afternoon I am going to begin re-reading Ulysses. Ulysses is a book that has taught me many valuable lessons about my role as a reader and audience. There’s a punchline there Read more >>

the maiden’s morning dream

September 26, 2003

Woke up this morning with the feeling that I need to be using this journal for morning pages, as it were. As much as I loathe “techniques” on being an “artist” gleaned from “books” (I loathe them almost as much as I like quotes) I am finding I need to write something everyday to get Read more >>


September 26, 2003

It’s been a good day for a birthday. I’ve eaten nothing but cake and bread all day. Still loving the World’s Best Bread Recipe. I just stopped painting for the evening. The muscles in my back are all knotted up. I’m going to take a notebook out to the couch and sit next to J. Read more >>


September 25, 2003

Today is J’s birthday. I picked a newspaper at random to use to wrap the largest of his gifts, and then ended up wrapping all of them with it. I lucked out and got the summer reading issue of the NYTimes Book Review magazine, which was full of these art deco inspired poster-type illustrations. Now Read more >>


September 24, 2003

I went to bed at seven thirty this morning for a four hour nap. Too much caffeine yesterday. It made for some very interesting dreams – in one, I was a member of a special super elite secret gummint fighting force. We had word that Florida and North Carolina were in threat of attack in Read more >>


September 24, 2003

Fabulous dinner tonight. Quite enjoyed it. Been playing with Illustrator since dinner, and am now getting back to coding. That’s all. Just wanted an entry to bump that last incredibly self-indulgent piece of sarcasm. 🙂


September 23, 2003

The worst part of living “simply” and frugally and “within my means” is when I run out of hot drinks, like tea, coffee or cocoa. With the library providing my books and movies for free, all I need to is to provide tea, coffee, or cocoa, and I’m living in the lap of luxury. Well, Read more >>

birthdays and comics

September 22, 2003

I birthdayed over to the twins’ house last night. They seemed fairly nonplussed with their handmade, handpainted cards, and I can’t blame them. I took three days to make them and still ended up finishing them hastily at the very last second before my ride arrived. One day, I will get my production skillz down. Read more >>